
“The programme is definitely building positive attitudes, giving our pupils a sense of empowerment to be influential in the type of communities that they want. To look at how they want to build positive communities. And that’s important because there’s a lot of peer pressure for young people.”

Mr Cole, Head of House - St Matthew Academy

“The programme has been incredible. I have worked with this class for three years, and the difference in them is unbelievable. I have never seen a change like this.”

Ms Wilson, Head Teacher - Grinling Gibbons

“I’ve seen the children grow so much in confidence from the beginning of the course to the end of the programme. Kids that I would usually see as being quite shy or quiet seem to speak confidently and have become really good role models for our school.”

Mr Simms, Deputy Head - Athelney Primary School

“I have seen a huge improvement in the pupils’ attitudes to learning. They are more focused, polite, confident role models for all the others.”

Janet Emmanuel, Assistant Head - Sydenham Girls

“It’s so good to see the pictures of the pupils stood outside Number 10, in the Houses of Parliament and work experience with international organisations in the city. Or to hear how well they were looked after at Wavertons was really good. I mean, those children on the programme, they don’t normally get those kinds of opportunities and it’s really changed them.”

Mr Haresign, Deputy Head - Forest Hill School
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